Helvmark is a group of 7 islands in the North sea situated in a key position between Germany, Denmark, Netherlands and the United Kingdom. It is part of the Scanic block and is a full member of the EU and the Eurozone. It is one of the wealthiest nations in the Western Europe due to the wealth of its natural resources.
The population of Helvmark is 7.26 million (2002) and it’s capital is Helvdovi which has a population of 1.3 million. Other notable cities include Westhampton, Cosnofen and Cúvenbor. There are 11 regions ranging from the Helvdovi Region with a population of 1.9m to the islands of Róna (Rónaømefir) with a population of 110,000.
The country is a Constitutional Monarchy with Queen Margerit as the Head of State. The main parliament is called the Borgerligshus (lit. House of Commoners) and currently has 89 ministers. The secondary house is called Sepöhus (lit. Watch House) which has 45 ministers. Each region has its own Government called the Amstregering (County Government) which has its own powers over education, business etc. All towns and cities have their own councils which take of local needs and issues.
The official languages of Helvmark are Helvish which is spoken as a first language by 40% of the population and English which is spoken as a first language by 58% of the population. There are also official local minority languages spoken by 2% of the population including Danish and Icelandic. The National Language Framework is complex as each region can decide on the principal language or to be bilingual (except for Helvdovi Region which is Bilingual) but certain national institutions have to be bilngual throughout the country.
Helvmark is wired up for the 21st Century and beyond. Over 70% of households have broadband and 99% have at least one television which is now completely digital (30% of households have Cable and 19% have satellite). There are four main television broadcasters – the state broadcaster HT (Helvmarks Television), t4h Television 4 Helvmark, FIVE Helvmark and Network 6 Helvmark. There is also a thriving radio industry where there are 6 national radio stations.
Leisure is taken seriously in Helvmark as is the shopping!
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